Empower your child's growth invest in tools that make a difference.

Over 80% of parents struggle

with choosing the right tools.

Avoid the confusion with our multi-award-winning educational tools guarantee optimal growth.


Simplify decisions with multi-award-winning,
parent-friendly tools.


Ensure consistent development with
expert-approved toys.


Trust in our commitment to quality and safety
for your child.

Transform Play into Discovery with Bimbly Montessori !

Inspired by proven Montessori methods, our tools make every playtime a step towards lifelong learning and curiosity.

Spell, Match, and Learn
with AR Magic

Reinforce Arabic and English skills while reducing screen time with our engaging AR toy.

Observation Skills

Communication Skills


Feed Safely, Grow Independently

Discover the Benefits of Our Silicone Tableware

Trusted by Parents, Backed by Experts

I am so impressed with the quality and the thoughtfulness behind these toys. My child is learning so much!

Um Hissa

Beautifully crafted and educational. These toys are perfect for developing young minds.

Um Fahad

My kids love the interactive features and I love how educational they are. A win-win!

Um Aisha

These toys have been a game-changer for my child's learning and creativity. Highly recommended!

Um Noora

The attention to detail is amazing. These toys are engaging and really help with my child's development.


Finally, toys that are both fun and educational. My child can’t get enough of them!


These toys are fantastic! My daughter loves them and I can see her learning new things every day.


Excellent quality and design. My children are learning and playing at the same time!


Tune into Bimbly's Podcast

Expert Guidance on Your Parenting Journey

At Bimbly, we recognize that parenting is a profound journey filled with learning curves and challenges. We believe it's crucial not just to offer the right developmental tools but also to provide the wisdom on how to use them effectively. That's why we've launched the "Meet the Experts in Bimbly Podcast," a platform where renowned child development experts share invaluable insights and practical advice. Our podcasts feature pediatricians, educational psychologists, and early childhood educators who help design our products and validate their efficacy, ensuring they truly support your child’s growth and development.

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Multi-Award-Winning Educational Tools Ensure Optimal Growth

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Multi-Award-Winning Educational Tools Ensure Optimal Growth

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Multi-Award-Winning Educational Tools Ensure Optimal Growth

Curiosity Corner

Expert Guidance on Your Parenting Journey

At Bimbly, we recognize that parenting is a profound journey filled with learning curves and challenges. We believe it's crucial not just to offer the right developmental tools but also to provide the wisdom on how to use them effectively. That's why we've launched the "Meet the Experts in Bimbly Podcast," a platform where renowned child development experts share invaluable insights and practical advice. Our podcasts feature pediatricians, educational psychologists, and early childhood educators who help design our products and validate their efficacy, ensuring they truly support your child’s growth and development.
At Bimbly, we recognize that parenting is a profound journey filled with learning curves and challenges. We believe it's crucial not just to offer the right developmental tools but also to provide the wisdom on how to use them effectively. That's why we've launched the "Meet the Experts in Bimbly Podcast," a platform where renowned child development experts share invaluable insights and practical advice. Our podcasts feature pediatricians, educational psychologists, and early childhood educators who help design our products and validate their efficacy, ensuring they truly support your child’s growth and development.

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Bimbly in Action

يرى طفلك بالأبيض والأسود وبظلال من الرمادي مع نظر ضعيف في الأسابيع الأولى من حياته.. ويبدأ تطور حاسة النظر لديه في أواخر شهره الأول وهذه الفترة الذهبية لتطور عينيه وتدريبها عبر استخدام أدوات تحفز النظر والتتبع بالعين.. وهذا بالضبط ما ابتكرت لأجله بطاقات التباين البصري من بيمبلي والتي تساعدك في لفت انتباه طفلك وتحفيز عينيه على النظر والتتبع والتعرف على مختلف الأشكال والألوان لتبدأ رؤية طفلك بالتطور حتى يصبح قادراً على التمييز بين الأشكال والوجوه واكتشاف بيئته المحيطة بشكل أكثر تقدماً.

اشتري الآن المجموعة الكاملة لتنمية حواس طفلك من عمر 0-6 شهور من بيمبلي. رابط المتجر في البايو
هل يقلقكِ وزن طفلك ؟ 👶
لا تجعلي المقارنات تتحكم في صحة أو شكل طفلك.. هناك عوامل كثيرة تلعب دوراً محورياً في شكل ووزن الطفل, كما أن صحة طفلك يحددها الأطباء المختصين فقط بعد معاينة الطفل ومعرفة بعض المعلومات منك فلا تتردي باستشارة الطبيب عند الحاجة.. 👨‍⚕️🩺

وتذكري أن حركة ونشاط طفلك هي أساس صحته و أن مهاراته وقدراته الحركية تحتاج للتطوير والتنمية ودورك أنت أن تعززي هذا التطور وتدعميه بالأدوات والنشاطات اللازمة له, اكتشفي مجموعة بيمبلي المخصصة لتنمية الأطفال وتنمية مهاراتهم من خلال الرابط الموجود في خانة الوصف 👆✅
مهارات طفلك المعرفية وقدراته الذهنية تنتظر منكِ الدعم والمساعدة خصوصاً في السنوات الثلاثة الأولى من حياته, حيث تعد هذه الفترة هي جوهرة نمو الطفل وتطور مهاراته التي سيحملها معه للمستقبل.. 🔮🌟

توفر لك مجموعة بيمبلي التعليمية المخصصة لعمر 25_36 شهراً أفضل الأدوات التي تمكن طفلك من التعلم من خلال اللعب.. 🧮

صُممت من قبل خبراء تنمية الأطفال لتعزز مهارات طفلك وتحفزه على التفكير المنطقي والتفكير المتشعب وتكسبه مهارات حل المشكلات منذ الصغر, وهذه ركائز لثقة الطفل بنفسه واستقلاليته في المستقبل..🧠🪄

احصلي عليها الآن من خلال موقع #بيمبلي الموجود في خانة الوصف واضمني لطفلك تطوراً ونمواً بلا حدود 🧠👼
#اطفال #العاب_تعليمية #العاب_اطفال #بيمبلي
مجدها عز و حاضرها فخر.. 🇸🇦

عائلة #بيمبلي تهنئكم بمناسبة #اليوم_الوطني_السعودي 94

#نحلم_ونحقق 💚


Our educational toys are designed using proven developmental principles, such as Montessori methods, to ensure they not only entertain but also foster critical cognitive, motor, and language skills. We focus on creating safe, sustainable, and impactful tools that support your child’s growth at every stage.

Absolutely. Safety is our top priority. All of our products are made from non-toxic, eco-friendly materials and undergo rigorous testing to meet and exceed international safety standards. You can trust that our toys are designed with your child’s well-being in mind.

Our toys are specifically designed to support bilingual development by incorporating both Arabic and English into play. Through interactive, engaging activities, children can strengthen their language skills in both languages, making learning fun and effective.

Yes, our product range is designed to cater to various age groups, ensuring that each toy is developmentally appropriate. We offer products for different stages of growth, from early learning to more advanced skills, so your child can continue to benefit as they grow.

We offer detailed product descriptions and age recommendations to help you choose the right toys for your child’s developmental stage. Additionally, our customer service team is always available to provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your child’s specific needs.



A warm welcome to our first-timers! Claim your 5% discount and elevate your shopping experience.

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